Creating Financial Systems

This past week, I attended the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3) Winter Conference, hosted at Chain in San Francisco. There, Chain provided everyone with a notepad, and I noticed this quote from the musical Hamilton at the bottom of the pamphlet.

“In the face of ignorance and resistance, I wrote financial systems into existence.”

— Alexander Hamilton (But actually Lin Manuel Miranda)

For those who don’t know, I’ve always been quite interested in Alexander Hamilton (even before the musical!), and so when the musical came out, as you can imagine, I was obsessed.

I couldn’t help but find that quote so beautiful and fitting for all the work I do with cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. Often, I wonder if dedicating this much time to Blockchain is worth it; after all I could be spending my efforts in fields with far more promising prospects such as AI, Virtual Reality, etc. However, this quote gave me renowned vigor and passion to continue despite the “ignorance and resistance” to this new financial system.